The challenges I’ve faced becoming a blogger have ranged from simple java errors to learning HTML coding to other things I could spend days explaining. If you’re interested, you can read about my blogging journey here. Blogging has challenged me the most when it comes to sharing my personal life, mainly because I am a very private person. But I am on a mission to help you all find purpose in each day, so here I am, opening up about things only close family and friends know. I am sharing these 23 random things you don’t know about me so you can get to know me and my blog better. (You can read my personal story here.) This journey is not just mine; you’re part of it now. Note these random things are mainly related to food because let’s be real, food is life, literally.

- Some people find it shocking when I tell them I don’t drink coffee. I have nothing against it, but my body doesn’t like it. Coffee gives me the jitters, and if I drink half a cup past noon, forget about sleep, I’ll be up all night. Typically when I wake up, it takes me a few minutes to get my thoughts together, but after that, I am good to go. It takes me being tired beyond exhaustion, to consider drinking one cup; which leads me to my next point.
- Green tea is my drink of choice. I drink the equivalent of about two cups a day. In the winters, tea is the best because it warms up my insides, and I love to be warm. Here is where I buy my teas.
- Mexican food is my favorite. Yes, I realize I am Mexican. Haha! What can I say? Mexican food is absolutely delicious, especially when it is homemade. My mom’s gorditas! OMG, they are out of this world. (I almost drooled on myself.)
- Gingerbread and shortbread cookies are my favorite. Although I don’t like drinking coffee, I love dipping my cookies in my husband’s coffee. Cookies dipped in coffee are yummy!
- For the longest time, I did not eat eggs because I found the smell disgusting; it turned my stomach. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I decide to try them and now I only eat them scrambled. Well, that and a load of spicy salsa, which I eat with nearly every meal. Spicy salsa gives me life!
- Snacks are a must every day for me. Whether it’s smoothies or plain blueberries, I am always munching on something. I try to eat healthy for the most part, but sometimes I just need to eat some crunchy Cheetos with Valentina. (Valentina is an extremely spicy salsa you can buy at any grocery store. The one with the black label knocks my socks off.) So yes, chips and Valentina are always in the pantry. Check out these healthy and super easy snacks I make all the time.
- Mango is my favorite. When I am not eating real mango, I am eating dried fruit mango.
- I grew up on a farm. You can read more on this topic here.
- Fashion-wise, I love classic, simple chic styles. When I shop for garments, I go for things that will last the test of time; mainly because I like classic looks. Secondly, to save money; thirdly, because I get attached to my clothes. The day I bring home a dress or pair of jeans, we form a bond. Trendy fashion is not my thing; that would mean I’d have a crazy turnover in my closet and that sounds like torture.
- Putting up the laundry is my least favorite thing in the world. I despise it. I don’t mind doing the laundry or even folding the clothes. Putting them away is a different story.
- My best naps happen during the Master’s Golf weekend. Technically, I am not a napper at all because I end up sleeping for hours and then I wake up feeling groggy. But Masters weekend, I nap and catch up on sleep.
- People often ask me if I am Iranian or Middle Eastern.
- I’ve lived in three countries.
- Organizing is my thing. I absolutely love it and can’t function without organization in my house and life. It’s also my go-to task when I am feeling nervous or anxious.
- Lists are how I survive life. Maybe it’s a weird obsession, but I make lists for just about everything. See how making a list changed my life here.
- I am a night owl and homebody, so I stay home and party all night long. LOL! I don’t stay up late anymore, but I am entirely ok when I do.
- I make my bed every morning, but that is just part of my daily morning habits.
- Skiing is my favorite sport to partake in, even though cold weather is not my favorite.
- Finding vintage items at flea markets or garage sales is one of my favorite hobbies. It’s rewarding to get a great piece of furniture for a bargain price.
- Refinishing furniture that needs a little elbow grease is therapeutic. Almost half of the furniture in my house has gotten a dose of DIY. Check out how paint transformed my furniture here and here.
- Philosophy is fascinating. The books in my small library are practically all about philosophy. The second most popular genre in my library is thrillers and mystery. They are a fun read. Here is a thriller I recommend.
- Music is a must in this house. It doesn’t matter what I am doing; music is always in the background. When I am cooking dinner, you can bet Justin Timberlake is helping me chop up those veggies. I almost can’t function without it.
- Patsy Cline is my go-to for Karaoke. Yes, I also sing in the shower. What can I say? I am a happy girl all the time.
See, this list helped us both. Now you know me a little better, and I worked on opening up more and giving you a glimpse into this positive life of mine. I want to get to know my readers better so it’s your turn. Share an interesting thing about yourself in the comments below.
Thank you so much for reading!
With love and gratitude,

Lovely to meet you!
You’ve inspired me – I love the way you’ve shared an insight into your world! I can’t drink coffee either, but I love the smell of it! Must try the best napping idea 😉
What a lovely post, its always nice to learn new things about your favorite bloggers.
I so love your 23 random things about you! At least, I get to know a tiny bit about the author. By the way, I love your blog lay out, so cool to the eyes! Interactive but not aggressive! Perfection ^_^