Do you suffer from anxiety and nervousness? Specially during high stress decisions? Here are 5 positive affirmations to conquer self-doubt.
When in college, I used to get nervous right before an exam. My palms would sweat a bit, and my right leg would, involuntarily, fidget against the chair leg. To this day, I am not sure what caused such discomfort while taking exams. However, I discovered the power of my mind. Before walking into the classroom, I would tell myself like a mantra, “you are prepared for this exam; you got this.” I would repeat it, over and over, from the moment the teacher handed out the test until I finished answering the last question. As my college years quickly went by, I got better at using positive affirmations to get me through all my exams.
Little did I know, it was the beginning of my self-improvement journey. Self-improvement meaning to improve our knowledge or character through our efforts. For many years now, I’ve practiced getting better every day. I’ve discovered I am very passionate about personal growth and my passion has extended to helping others do the same. In my journey, I’ve found affirmations do amazing things for our psyche.

My morning routine begins with stretching; then I proceed to accomplish a series of activities that help me have a successful day. Before that though, I plant positive thoughts, like seeds, in my mind. Today, I am sharing 5 positive affirmations I use daily to set my day on the right track.

Taking on the attitude of gratitude, first thing in the morning will only put you in a positive state of mind. Being grateful for being able to wake up every day gives us perspective on how far we’ve come. The journey is not all rainbows and butterflies. Often times it is a constant struggle to survive. We have joy and sadness, bliss and heartbreak, laughter and tears. But despite all those things, we can choose to feel grateful for the life we have been blessed with, for the people around us, and for all of the things we’ve worked so hard to acquire.

When you look at your son or daughter, you are amazed at what God, you, and your wife/husband created. You can’t help but love them unconditionally, despite all their perfect imperfections. Why can’t you extend yourself the same courtesy? We often take ourselves entirely for granted only to come in after everyone else. And we criticize ourselves harder than anyone else when we make a mistake. For what? Feelings of shame and guilt? Why do we do that to ourselves? We deserve better. We can do better. Practice self-love and acceptance daily, and your mind will reward you in incredible ways.

Today’s decisions, whether big or small, impact the next moment in our life. Life is hard. I know. But you can always do your best. It will never be perfect but it will be your best, and at the end of the day, that is all you can do. Believe you are doing everything you can to create a beautiful new day and future, and you will build it. You are the painter of your masterpiece. Each decision you make is shaping your future. You and only you, have the freedom, and power to create the life you desire.

Control; we all want it. Often times, when we don’t have it, we stress. Yet we try to determine and manage situations (or people) we cannot influence. Why is it so difficult for us to understand, the only thing we have power over is ourselves. That’s it. Accept this, and stress will evaporate, like water on a hot day. No, it won’t be gone entirely, because instinctually, we always want control, even over the things we can’t control. The only power you have is over you, and you alone and with practice, the days will be more carefree.

A positive attitude is a necessary ingredient for a successful day. When you first wake up, instead of thinking: “Oh, I don’t want to go to work today” think, “I am grateful for my job and the money it provides to take care of my family”. Focus on the positives of each person and task at hand because truthfully, you chose to be in that situation. You chose to be in that job, therefore, you chose your coworkers. You already have to be there, go to meetings, and work with colleagues, so say “Good morning!” and smile. Make the best of each situation. Welcome everyone and everything with a positive attitude, and you will grow mentally and spiritually. Keep an open mind and heart because you can always learn something new from everyone and everything.
The mindset you have now determines your day, your life, and your future. Cultivate seeds of growth, positivity, and love and you will see the effects transform your life for the better.
So tell me, how are you talking to yourself each day? What are your first thoughts in the mornings? Remember to think kind and loving thoughts of yourself and others.
Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to share this post to help others too.
With love and gratitude,

This is remarkable.
The power of the mind, is an important tool.
You’ve described it all.
Awesome article!
Thank you! So glad you found it helpful!
This is a beautiful post. I enjoyed it immensely.
I will refer to it daily from now on – thank you so much for sharing.