Tea life is the best life. Unlike the rest of the world, I don’t drink coffee. Thankfully, I don’t need it to wake up or stay up. In the mornings, I dislike a robust direct coffee smell only because I am starving, and my stomach is empty. Now before you get all defensive about coffee and start preaching about how it is life, let me tell you that I understand, and I associate coffee with happiness. But today we are going to talk about where I buy tea.
Growing up, my little sister and I would sit around the table to eat breakfast with my grandparents, and coffee would always be present. We were allowed to dip our pan dulce (Spanish: sweet bread) and sip on my grandpa’s coffee. I loved it. At night time my grandparents had coffee with pan dulce, again. And guess who got a little sip of coffee? This girl!
A lot of great conversations have happened around the table while friends and family drink their coffee. Coffee is more than just coffee, it’s a gathered family, meaningful conversations, peaceful morning and so much more. But I don’t like to drink it. Plus it gives me the jitters and makes my heart palpitate. The last time I had coffee was one afternoon around 2:00 PM, and it was not even a full cup. I drank half of a latte, and I was up all night. Tea, however, warms my heart; and insides when it’s cold outside. I love the way a warm cup of tea feels in my hands, especially on crisp mornings. Through the years I’ve learned that not all teas, are created equal. I’ve discovered a few that I can’t live without, and I am excited to share them with you all.
Online shopping is extremely convenient. Can I hear an amen? Usually, I do my tea shopping online, but I do have a few boxes of the grocery store bought teas that I enjoy. When my tea orders arrive, it’s like Christmas all over again. I even have a dance to my box opening ritual. Ha! Visual: Abril dancing salsa around the house, barefoot, hands in the air, shaking her hips from side to side, back and forth showing off her Dirty Dancing moves. Or at least attempting to make it look like a dance because God only knows what those moves honestly looks like to anyone willing to watch in utter confusion.
Below are some of my favorite Tea brands and ones that I recommend to all my family and friends.

This brand of tea was introduced to me by a lovely lady at work, who loves tea as much as I do. When I first discovered them, not many people knew about them, which surprised me. Today, they are well recognized. If you create an account you automatically get enrolled in their loyalty program where you receive points for making purchases and referring friends. #score
Free shipping on all domestic orders is included. I’ve been ordering tea from them for years and I love them. Harney & Sons have a great selection of teas, along with treats, and gifts sets.
My favorite teas from them include Tropical Green, Royal English Breakfast, Earl Grey, loose leaf Blueberry green and my most favorite, the Paris Collection. Yum! At night time I drink their Mother’s Bouquet collection. The aromas and colors of this tea are so beautiful, I almost don’t want to drink it.
Here is a $10 coupon you can use towards your first order! 🙂
The Art of Tea
This brand is fairly new to me. I have tried a few of their teas and enjoyed them. They are based in Los Angeles California and offer free flat rate shipping on orders of $50 or more. Their sample packs offer a good variety. I would buy from them again.

So what did we learn? Tea will inspire you to try your Dirty Dance moves around the house. LOL! Ok, I can’t promise that, but you’ll enjoy the tea. Let me know if you try either of these brands and what your thoughts are? Or better yet, if you already order from them, what is your favorite tea?
Thank you so much for reading!
With Love and Gratitude,

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