Hola, bienvenidos!
My name is Abril
My blogging journey began in 2016, after God told me to write, in a dream. At the time, I was working in the Finance and Accounting sector of a large oil and gas company. I expressed my creativity mainly through DIY projects, and gardening. I knew nothing about the blogging world, how it worked, or if it was something I was ready to pursue. That quiet whisper of the word “write” kept me curiously pushing forward. Although I will say, I almost called it quits after several “How to HTML code” videos and head bangs on my kitchen table. But I became so passionate about making this blog work I spent countless-sleepless hours figuring out how to make it happen.
Paris & June has become my creative outlet and the place where I encourage others to live each day with gratitude, joy, mindfulness and purpose!
May this blog empower and encourage you to live by those principles. Because if you carry them bravely in your heart, you can leave this world a little better than you found it.
Thank you for following along, supporting my creative space, and allowing me to make a positive difference in your life. Cheers, to living an incredible life to the fullest!

Ready to aim with purpose?
Excited to see how Gratitude, Joy, + Purpose transform your life!

Life on the daily…
The important things
- Personal Style – Jeans, comfy top + boots
- Secret Talent – Hanging picture frames with no measuring guides. (+Organizing and trip planning)
- Guilty pleasure – Gardening while listening to philosophical podcasts
- Can’t live without – Bella Vida Moisturizer
- Daily Ritual – 10 min mediation + gratitude practice
- Sport – Skiing + DIYing
- Food – Gorditas (all day)
- Karaoke Song – Crazy by Patsy Cline
- Aim – Do my best and live each day to the fullest. Grow my own crops, canning, adopt lots of schnauzers, poodles, dachshunds, and baby goats (dressed in pajamas of course), write, and help you find the joy in each day.