Life is a roller coaster, and it never ceases to amaze me. It’s is unfathomably beautiful, yet wild, unpredictable and downright scary (sometimes). In all reality, life constantly challenges us to do our best. We are put in uncomfortable decisions to learn and grow as individuals. But we have to make those choices even though they are hard and not always clear. Choices are a fact of life. And deciding to move to Germany was not different then it would have been for anyone else. It was scary but an easy choice. Keep reading to find out why.

From time to time I escape into la-la land and daydream about life. It’s my way of solving life’s puzzles. Today, I was caught praying. Being grateful for all of our blessings is a daily ritual. Cecil questioned why I was so thoughtful. My response: “I was pondering on the choice we made to move to Europe.” And I was reflecting on the journey’s impact on us, and how we’ve changed as a result.
Cecil and I consider ourselves changed by the simple yet powerful decision we made to live in Europe. We’ve traveled to places I never even imagined, in my wildest dreams. And we’ve gained an enormous amount of knowledge about life, (and me specifically about blogging). By my own experiences I’ve discovered I am passionate about helping others find purpose in each day. I want to spread knowledge because knowledge empowers people. And I want to help every single person out there live their life fearlessly to the fullest.
Yes, it was all because we said yes! We said yes to change, to the unsafe and to new chapters.
Before leaving my beloved state, Texas, many asked a lot of questions. “How can you leave all the comforts of home behind?” “It’s an entirely different country, aren’t you afraid?” “There is so much at stake, house, career, family. Are you going to be happy away from all those things?” Believe me when I say we considered all of those things and more. It was our life after all. Were we ready for the changes to come? We thought we were, but the answer is no. How can anyone ever be prepared for such a move across the ocean and into a new world?
Our natural response to anything that threatens our safety is fear. Yes, of course, we were afraid. But if we didn’t jump now, then we would never jump. In times when I felt fearful of what the future held I thought of Alexander Sattler’s words: “I would rather own little, and see the world than, own the world, and see little.” Such words carry the weight of ten thousand self-improvement books. The way I see it, I am not losing anything. Our families still love us. In fact, they are our biggest supporters. We’ve gained knowledge and acquired experiences that many don’t allow themselves to live because of fear.
Moving to Europe was an incredible opportunity, presented to us as a gift from the universe. It was a chance to see a different side of the world, to experience new cultures, and make new friends. An opportunity to inspire others to travel and encourage others to live life to the fulles. We’ve acquired so much worldliness and wisdom from this decision that if I was to put our gained knowledge in dollars, we are technically zillionaires.
The choice to travel and experience the world is yours and yours alone. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter where you are or what you have. In the end, simply put, we all die. Things never bring us permanent happiness. True happiness exists in our hearts, and it is a state of mind not measured by possessions or location.
I believe God knows our hearts best and that is all the trust I need. He put me on this earth to live, and that is precisely, what I intend to do.
How do you handle difficult choices? Have you made one recently? Tell me how you managed it and what was the hardest part.
Thank you so much for reading!
With love and gratitude,

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