Habits are an acquired behavior pattern, which when performed regularly become involuntary. Our brain is efficient that way, and any repeated patterns become habits. Quite brilliant, in my opinion, how our brains conserve energy. In a sense, we don’t think about tasks in detail. Instead, our minds perform functions on autopilot.
For this reason, we sometimes get to work and don’t remember how we got there. Our habits become routine. Therefore, it is critical to pay attention to them; mainly because we want to be present in the task at hand. If we are mindful of our habits, we can change our world for the better.
Think about this, when you get out of bed in the mornings and head over to the bathroom to brush your teeth, you don’t spend minutes trying to figure out how to take the cap off the toothpaste. The task of putting toothpaste on your toothbrush, bringing the toothbrush up to your mouth, then brush your teeth, left to right, top to bottom is quite simple. And twisting the faucet handle for water to rinse your mouth finally, is not going to give you a stress headache. It all happens, automatically, like magic. Think of all the activities we perform on a daily basis without even thinking. Backing out of a driveway, driving to work, grabbing a coffee and the list goes on.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” -Aristotle
Habits are essential because they help us build our life on a daily basis. Once we conquer regular patterns, we gain control of our lives. Below are seven daily habits you can implement today into your routine. They are meant to help you have a more positive start because it is my goal to help you have a meaningful day. A positive start leads to a positive day. A positive day leads to a positive week, month, year and life! You don’t build Rome in one day so let’s start with your morning because the secret to success, lies in our daily routines.
1. Stretch. There are many added benefits to stretching in the mornings. An article released by Health Fitness Revolution highlights ten benefits of stretching. Increase stamina, flexibility, improved circulation, and that is just a few benefits, the list goes on. Try to spend five minutes, immediately after getting out of bed stretching.
2. Start with a positive mindset. Smile in the mirror and compliment yourself. Forcing yourself to smile even though you might not want to, improves your mood immensely. Give yourself a good compliment; no one else is going to do it for you, so go ahead, pay up that compliment you so deserve. “Hair game is on point today.”
3. Take time to reflect. Forgive yourself for the possible mistakes you made yesterday. Worries and mistakes weigh you down so release them for good. Focus on the good things you did. You went on three mental breaks, and it helped you focus? That’s great! Did you bring up some good talking points in your meeting? Recognize your efforts and be grateful to yourself for accomplishing useful work.
4. Take a few minutes of quiet time. Clear your mind. Seriously, don’t think of anything! Force yourself not to think. It’s refreshing I tell you but hard to do. Tip: over a cup coffee or tea attempt to quiet your mind. Call it your “Getting my life together to conquer a new day.” At first, it may prove difficult, but like everything else, with practice, you will master it.
5. Eat breakfast. Eating breakfast is important! My grandma always says that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you know what? She is right. When you wake up, your body is starving, whether you feel it in your tummy or not. It’s already processed all the food from dinner and guess what? It needs more energy to do it all over again. Your body is a temple. Treat it right! I like to start with a high protein and fats breakfast.
6. Write down your top 3 tasks for the day. Carry a small notebook in your purse or place it near an area where you won’t forget. Take time to write down essential tasks. Writing them down puts the responsibility on paper and consequentially out of your mind. It saves time and energy.
7. Hug your significant other/family. No matter what happened the night before, hug, kiss, high five, fist bump, your significant other, mom and dad, sibling, roommate, goodbye. Physical contact with another human being releases endorphins, and it makes you happy. Not to mention, it makes your immune system stronger. Not convinced? Check out the article by Psychology Today. Plus you don’t know what the day will bring. Always leave the house in good terms with your loved ones.
You don’t have to incorporate all of these habits into your routine all at once, or in this specific order. Try a few of them out. Maybe one or three work best for you. The important thing is you incorporate a habit that brings you closer to what you want. Send me some feedback and let me know how trying some or all of these has improved your overall morning routine.
Thank you for reading!
With love and gratitude,

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