The art of being grateful is not art but a mindset. Yet A grateful mindset is an art, in a way.
Have you noticed the days when you wake up in a bad mood, everything somehow ends up going south quickly? You’re late, spill your coffee on your shirt, start an argument with your spouse and all before you even step out of the house. It’s because your energy is focused on the negative and attract more of it. If you focus on the art of being grateful, from the time you wake, you’ll focus more on the positives. It takes practice.
I started when I was a sixth-grader. While in ESL class, I found myself writing a homework and study list on a separate blank page while the teacher gave assignments. The school in America was different from the school in Mexico. And the recent move to a foreign country made me feel overwhelmed. At the young age of twelve, I coped with the craziness of life by making lists for everything. Lists made me feel like I had control of my life when everything else was upside down. What I didn’t realize then was that writing lists helped me gather my thoughts, gave me purpose, and became a habit that forever changed my life.
Have you ever heard of the saying, “Count your blessings?” Well, that’s what this list is except you actually write your blessings down. Gratitude is a practice, a habit, you can build into your day, that will change your perspective forever. So I strongly encourage you to start a “Today I am grateful” journal.
Every morning, after breakfast, while drinking Paris tea (earl grey), I write lists for the day. I’ve been doing this for many years now. To-do, Trips, Packing, Cleaning, you name it. It’s a morning habit because it sets an aim for the day. Lists make life easier, take away worry, and keep you on track. And now with a phone getting your day organized with a list is so much easier.
I reflect on yesterday. Then, I start my first sentence. For example, under the title “Today I am Grateful,” I write, “I am grateful for the road trip I was able to take.” Or “I am grateful I was able to talk to my mom and find her well.” Everything and anything is ok to add to your journal. Even the simplest things like being able to get out of bed. You’d be surprised but there are many people who can’t do that (mental or physical reasons).
Practicing gratitude every day has set a foundation of mental strength for me. My thoughts are different, and I find myself more confident and sure of my place in the universe. Gratitude can do the same for you.
Start your list today, even if you’re not a list person. You can start thinking about it on your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth in the morning. It doesn’t take long and if you’re in a hurry, list them in your head on your way in to work. The simple act of listing out your blessings will automatically put you in a better mood. I recommend writing it down because there is something special about putting pen to paper. It’s a great way to start your day with a positive outlook instead of waking up thinking, “Aw, man. Another day at work.” I promise you; you will always have something new to write or add to your list every day. And your attitude will change from “I have to go to work” to “I get to go to work.”
I recommend you start a gratitude notebook or diary. Or you can take a simple blank piece of paper to start. Start small. Write down things you can do. For example:
I can walk. I can see. I can hear. I can dance. I can speak.
Do you see now that you have many reasons to be thankful?
Then, write about things in your life that you are thankful for
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful for my husband.
I am grateful for my kids.
I am grateful for my house.
I am grateful for my job.
I am grateful for my friends.
I am grateful for a healthy pregnancy.
I am grateful for having a loving and loyal dog.
I am grateful for having the day to do what I want.
Once you start this, make it a daily habit and watch your life transform. And maybe instead of writing, you pray, or say them in your mind, or meditate on them. Either way, taking on the attitude of gratitude will do wonders in your life.
I’d love to see how you’re improving your daily life. What habit have you taken up that makes you a better person? Share your stories with me and email me if you need help starting.
If you found this post inspirational, share it with a loved one. One light always lights another.
Thank you so much for reading!
With Love and Gratitude,

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