Skincare is essential no matter the age so let’s talk about it. Boys don’t exit the room just yet. More specifically speaking, let us talk about skincare regarding acne prone skin. Raise your hand if you’ve never had a breakout. If you’re human, you’ve probably broken out at some point in your life. Ugh, frustrating, I know. If you’ve never had a pimple in your life, consider yourself a beautiful pimple-free unicorn. Excuse yourself from this post, along with the boys who don’t want to be a part of this conversation.
But first, what is the deal with skin drastically changing with each new decade? These changes aren’t for the better either. I mean, why are my pores growing in size and starting to looking like impact craters? And why am I breaking out, still, with these painful pimples? I wish I had the answer guys, but unfortunately, I don’t. Skin changes are a part of life and something we have to live with daily. But just because the changes are inevitable, does not mean we should throw in the towel. Lets put up a good fight!
About once a week, I do a face mask; mainly because I enjoy the effects on my skin but mostly because it helps with my breakouts. My breakouts range from one teeny tiny pimple to an entire invasion of scary thirds eyes and painful volcanos, which mainly happen during the time of the month when my annoying vecina (Spanish for neighbor) wants to pay a visit. Ladies, you know exactly what I am referring to. Having a skincare routine has saved my skin from total disaster, and honestly, I am not exaggerating. If you have acne prone skin, you get me.
Now you may be sitting on the other side of the screen thinking ‘ok Abril, spit it out already’ but I wanted to give you guys a little background information because I am incredibly optimistic that this face mask will change your skin for the better.
The Aztec Secret Clay mask was introduced to me by my sister. Fortunately, my mom’s love for skincare spilled over to us both. My sister loves skincare probably more than I do. She ordered the mask for me on Amazon, had it ready for me when I visited and said ‘you need to try this” as she handed it over with a big smile on her face. That same day I tried it, and I fell in love with it. Now, it is the only clay mask I put on my face. Want more beauty tips? Check them out here.
The powder is 100% natural calcium bentonite clay which means it comes from volcanic ash. Over the centuries, people have used it as a way to detoxify the body, improve skin and more. The unique composition of this mask absorbs negatively charged toxins we are exposed to daily, like pesticides, lead and trace metals like copper. But it doesn’t stop there; the benefits of Bentonite are endless. Some people eat small amounts to cleanse their body. *Please note this particular mask is for external use only. Others use it as a hair cleanser and softner. Needless to say, Bentonite is the bomb!
Mix clay with equal parts of raw apple cider vinegar and (or) water. I’ve noticed one TSP of clay powder, and one TSP of apple cider vinegar is enough to cover my face thoroughly. I’ve also discovered adding water ‘only’ to the clay powder does not mix great. The mixture is supposed to be smooth, but with water only, it clumps up a bit. Apple cider vinegar works best, but it does have a strong smell. If you can’t stand the scent, dilute it with water. So maybe try half and half TSP of water and apple cider vinegar.
I’ve discovered applying the mask with a small foundation brush using upward strokes is best.

If you believe you may be allergic, test out a small area on your body, like your arm, before putting it on your face.
For sensitive skin, let the mask dry for 5-10 min. For normal skin, leave it on for 15-20.
While the mask is drying, you will feel your face tighten, almost as if pulsating. Talking becomes a bit difficult, but then again we are not going out to give a public speech with this mask on so I think you can bare it. Cecil tried it and his drama queen self, said: “it makes my face feel like it’s going to rip off.” Haha! It’s seriously not bad at all. Try it. You’ll have to let me know if you’re siding with Cecil on this one.

When it comes to removing the mask, do so with warm water. A damp towel will help remove any excess left on the face.
At first, your face may have a slight red shade. Don’t worry this fades after thirty or so minutes.
How often you use it depends on your skin. My skin is naturally oily and of course acne prone, so I use it twice a week. I started off using it once a week, but I’ve found that my breakouts stay in check when I use it more often. Sometimes, when my skin is terrible, I use it three times a week. This clay mask will clear up a break out in five days. No joke.
Now, please understand that the results below may differ from yours. It may take you seven days, or an extra application to clear up a breakout. And when I say ‘clear up,’ I don’t mean your skin will be perfectly and flawlessly shinning like glass the next day. Change takes time. Please be patient and see how this mask, personally impacts your skin. I’ve been using this mask for a year now so I know I am not allergic. I’ve also narrowed down how many times a week I use it, but this is because of trial and error. Note: I don’t recommend putting this facemask on daily as it may dry out your skin. As always, use your best judgment.

The proof is in the photos with no make-up and filters. The top picture is after two face mask applications in five days. The bottom is of the breakout I had on my forehead right after our Paris trip.
I do have some acne scarring from my college years, but for the most part, my skin is smooth. My cystic acne is about 70% healed in the top photo. My skin is super sensitive to what I eat, so all the yummy pastries did it. *Insert all the crying faces here.

The top left is with the mask already drying. Bottom left is after one facemask. Right photo is what my skin looks like right now. No makeup, except for a bit of mascara and concealer under my eyes. If you watch my Instagram stories, you know I’ve been fighting a sinus infection that took me down for over a week. I am feeling much better now, but I still have some lingering dark circles and under-eye bags from the lack of sleep.
There you have it. My secret weapon to keeping my skin healthy, even when my *vecina refuses to cooperate with me. Not only has this mask kept acne at bay but it has improved my skin dramatically by minimizing my pores and acne scarring. The Aztec Healing clay mask is the business, fo real! I hope you use it and get amazing results too.
Now, the floor is yours, guys. Do you have a go-to when your face breaks out? Or for those who don’t have problematic skin, do you have a skin product you can’t live without? Let me know. I’d love to try something new.
Also, if you would like to get additional goodies like beauty tips, eating healthy, staying focused and so much more, join the #PJInsider clan and subscribe to my newsletter!
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As always, thank you so much for reading!
With love and gratitude,

I love this stuff! I have had amazing results when using this mask with ACV and would most definitely recommend it to anyone for a clearer, brighter complexion! Great post and I love your blog 🙂
Your skin looks so beautiful right now!! I love apple cider vinegar and in fact I have a bottle. Because of you I am going to order the Aztec clay mask ASAP because I have some stubborn spots here and there. I like how you use pictures to show the difference too. I’m not sure id be confident to do the same 😂😂 thanks for the skin inspiration!!
Could you possibly share your skin care routine and which products you use, daily?
Hi Ashley! I could definitely do that. Maybe end of August early September? 🙂 Happy August to you lovely!